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Parallels Desktop 16.5 now compatible with M1 and Intel Chips!
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재부팅할 필요 없이 Mac에서 Windows를 실행하기 위한 가장 빠르고 간편하고 강력한 응용프로그램. Mac 및 Windows에서 일상적인 작업을 간소화하는 30개 이상의 유틸리티가 포함
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Parallels | Parallels Desktop 16 for Mac
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- Mac에서 Windows 실행
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Parallels Desktop 16.5 now compatible with M1 and Intel Chips!
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패러렐즈 할인코드 10% 할인혜택받기
Parallels Toolbox for Mac & Windows Over 30 one-touch tools—clean your drive, secure private files, take screenshots, or download a video all with just a single click. Easy to use, no hassle, and no complex keyboard shortcuts Drag tools to the dock or ta
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